Monday, December 20, 2010

Just J in News

Some of snippets.....





More about Just J @ Serenity

Bangalore is turning into a typical metro with the hustle and bustle of daily life, crowded streets, explosion of population and of course the famous traffic jams that are a daily affair on Bangalore roads. Hence more and more shoppers prefer to shop in the comfort zones of their residential or work localities. Who would want to be stuck in an hour of traffic jams just to go shop in a particular store! Just J has been in the past 6 months faced with the same dilemma (many friends are yet to check out the existing store.) Hence, this quest to reach out to different localities around Bangalore.

Just J had an exhibit and sale on 9th-11th DEC 2010 @ Serenity – a life style store. This store tucked away in the quiet residential area of Jayamahal Extension was a perfect setting for my products. Serenity with is beautiful garden and simple structure adorned with antique doors and window grills is owned and managed by Arati Monappa a beautiful, elegant and soft spoken lady. One can’t help but feel the positive energy that one feel as soon as you enter, very in sync with the name, Serenity. The product range varies from designer saris, kurtis, stoles, silk jackets and skirts, footwear, candles, home made pickles and jams , Ayurveda soaps and scrubs.

Bangalore this year has had an overdose of Christmas theme bazaars! Instead of having yet another sale of Christmassy items, Arati decided to invite a few independent designers to her store and showcase and promote their products. Along with Just J products on display were also Karmasuthra jewelry by Divya Thomas, kurtis and stoles by Kumbaya and Cosmic Conspiracy.

Just J displayed its elegant and simple table linen range of block print, embroidery and border trimmings with the regular linen products. There were also selected items of hand crafted ceramic ware. Due to the many sales across Bangalore, the foot fall was not as high as regular sales. But the Serenity invitees and other customers who did come by were all serious buyers and picked up items which caught their eyes and I must add shopped generously too. We also got TV and print media coverage by TV 9 and Indian Express.

Looking back, I am glad I accepted Arati’s offer to be showcased at Serenity that helped me get to reach out to new clientele and I am happy to say that Just J products will be available @ Serenity from Jan 2011.

Here are some pictures from Serenity.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Just J @ Serenity

Just J is proud to invite you to an exhibit and sale of simple elegant table and kitchen linens and hand-crafted ceramic crockery at Serenity starting today till Saturday. Here are the details:


Thursday 9th Dec to Saturday 11th Dec 201

11 am  to 7 pm 

@ # 8/1 , 5th main Jaymahal Ext , B'lore 46

Tel # 80-41279127

Jyoti Creative Designs range is an exclusive limited edition range of table cloths with embroidery, border trimmings and block prints. Also, on sale will be place mats, table runners, hand painted and embroidered table napkins, block print cushion covers and hand-loom ready-made curtains. The regular table linen like oven mittens, pot holders, aprons, floor mats will also be on sale.

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The crockery range showcased will be tea pots, milk pots, serve ware, platters in different sizes and shapes, mugs, katoris, soup bowl sets, bathroom sets and many more. The range comes in vibrant colors, shapes and sizes.

Just J is inspired and managed by me, Jyoti Chandran Devaraj, a budding entrepreneur. My dream is to help you redefine your dining, kitchen and living spaces into unique and striking!

Just J … Changing Lifestyle Solutions!!